Ellie made me hold up a strip of plastic (for her clips) as if it was a spotlight Then she ran to the room and dragged out the maid...another of her audience. Next she grabbed one...mind you she said only one..of her xylaphone sticks and then came out. I wasn't allowed to put the strip down even for a moment...No Daddy...must hold it up...was her command! LOL Then she picked up all the cushions and laid then in a row to form a stage of sorts...we wondered where she got all the ideas from. We didn't teach her for sure.

These pictures were taken some time last month but those are the yellow sticks that she's holding!
Then she went under the "spotlight" and started singing on the stage...using the xylaphone stick as a microphone!! Well it was the favorite nursery rhymes...A, B, C, D...and twinkle twinkle little star then a combo....it was so cute...I wish I could have taken a picture but I was busy holding up the lights!! LOL Next she made her mummy sing too and then it was my turn while mummy held the "lights" LOL We really had a blast. My visiting Aunt was enjoying the show too!!
After a bout of songs and some dances too the show ended but not the nights festivities...
Next she ran into the room and got a blue cloth and laid it on the floor. Hmmm...what now? Okay mummy...come swim in the ocean with me. I am a small shark and am going to bite you okay!! So she pretended to swim the length of the ocean and then proceeded to shark attack poor mummy. LOL After that it was laps in the pool...first she and mummy...Daddy don't forget German...German???...has she been watching Telematch I wondered...then it dawned on me...Ladies and Gentlemen. Gentlemen became German!!! hahaha So daddy became the annnouncer...ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...etc. LOL and I had to announce the swimming competition!! So she and mummy did "laps" while I gave a running commentary!! After that it was my turn to take a dip LOL
I really had fun tonight and learned a little more about my daughter! She is amazing to me and wifey!! Either that or it was the delicious orange and poppyseed cupcakes that wifey baked tonight...then again she didn't have any until after the show!! LOL

You know those proud moments fathers have of their children...Yup...I had one tonight! Cheers