Ellie made me hold up a strip of plastic (for her clips) as if it was a spotlight Then she ran to the room and dragged out the maid...another of her audience. Next she grabbed one...mind you she said only one..of her xylaphone sticks and then came out. I wasn't allowed to put the strip down even for a moment...No Daddy...must hold it up...was her command! LOL Then she picked up all the cushions and laid then in a row to form a stage of sorts...we wondered where she got all the ideas from. We didn't teach her for sure.

These pictures were taken some time last month but those are the yellow sticks that she's holding!
Then she went under the "spotlight" and started singing on the stage...using the xylaphone stick as a microphone!! Well it was the favorite nursery rhymes...A, B, C, D...and twinkle twinkle little star then a combo....it was so cute...I wish I could have taken a picture but I was busy holding up the lights!! LOL Next she made her mummy sing too and then it was my turn while mummy held the "lights" LOL We really had a blast. My visiting Aunt was enjoying the show too!!
After a bout of songs and some dances too the show ended but not the nights festivities...
Next she ran into the room and got a blue cloth and laid it on the floor. Hmmm...what now? Okay mummy...come swim in the ocean with me. I am a small shark and am going to bite you okay!! So she pretended to swim the length of the ocean and then proceeded to shark attack poor mummy. LOL After that it was laps in the pool...first she and mummy...Daddy don't forget German...German???...has she been watching Telematch I wondered...then it dawned on me...Ladies and Gentlemen. Gentlemen became German!!! hahaha So daddy became the annnouncer...ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...etc. LOL and I had to announce the swimming competition!! So she and mummy did "laps" while I gave a running commentary!! After that it was my turn to take a dip LOL
I really had fun tonight and learned a little more about my daughter! She is amazing to me and wifey!! Either that or it was the delicious orange and poppyseed cupcakes that wifey baked tonight...then again she didn't have any until after the show!! LOL

You know those proud moments fathers have of their children...Yup...I had one tonight! Cheers
Hey GK! Yay first commenter! :)
Maybe Ellie has been watching too much Idol with u and wifey lol...hence the sudden inspiration to perform! Your aunt must've been very entertained. Hugs for lil' Ellie! :)
Hey GP!!! Wooh hoo...first commenter...I was afraid that after not posting for so long you guys might forget me or something...nice to be wrong sometimes!! LOL
Hey yGP ou may be on to something... this weekend there is an Idol marathon on and we've been trying to catch up on some of the episodes we've missed because of classes!! LOL
Oh Aunty was totally entertained!! We all were!!
Thanks for the Hugs for Ellie!! :)
Way to go lil Ellie :) Looks like you're going to be a big star someday :D Don't forget to reserve some tickets for uncle Nick when you become a star now you hear little lady? ... hehehe ...
I agree with Marzie, too much of AI ... Hugs to the lil ga ...
the small tent is cute
aww.. that's so cute!! a big applause to Ellie. she must hv learned it from TV. Kids always come up with "stuffs" that we never knew they would know and, that amazed us, dont they? :)
All the way Ellie.... you are gonna make it BIG one day :)
Wow, what a lovely look into your life! This post really lifted my spirits Genie King. You daughter is so adorable! Thanks so much for sharing and have a wonderful day:)
Hallooooowww GK!! How are you?? Looks like Ellie is getting so big and even throwing surprises at you and your wife eh..
It must have been some night.. had she done it again??
Hi GK,
Now how in the world could we ever forget you and the ever adorable Miss Ellie?
Wow she is growing up so fast. This is just a wonderful post!!
So sorry about not dropping on you before now. But, I am new to EC and was having problems finding everyone.
Thank goodness for Marzie. She has saved the day for me so many times now that I can't even count.
I will be dropping in as much as possible now.
And I hope we see even more shows from Ellie.
Big Hugs for Ellie!!:-))))
Hi Uncle Nick!! Of course I'll keep the best seats in the house for you if I become a star hehehe But until then pleasae come watch me sing at home okay! :)
Hey Bud what's tis about free tickets huh...as her father and manager I need to get a cut okay LOL
Cheers bud and happy weekend!
Been busy busy busy!! :)
Hi Hazel!! Yes the tent is cute and even I can fit in with the little one too...hehehe
Cheers and ahve a nice weeked! :)
Hi Ms. Yummylicious, You're right...the good and bad influences of tv...some say it stifels th eimagination and then you have this...not sure who is right :)
Cheers to you and thanks for dropping by! :)
Janice!! hahah...I hope so...but this little concert is just for us to enjoy...and I hope she has he talent to do big things! :) Cheers!
Hi Bobby!! Just apeep into my life...there are the bad times too when she refuses to listen or eat of cooperate...it's not all a bed of roses :) But it's stll nice. Thanks pal! :)
LJ!!! Yes is sure is growing! :) And being imaginative and creative LOL And yes we did have another concert again but not like the first...:)
Hi Jackie! Nice to see you here...it's okay about the visits because I haven't been visiting my friends too and can understand.
I haven't been using EC so much...just too busy to learn about it...and Marzie is to nice to help you! She helped me too! :)
Cheers and looking forward to your visits! :)
Hi, saw you at Mariuca's. Very nice of you to blog about your life as a Daddy. Your daughter is lovely and you have to be very proud. I love playing with children!
Hey buddy, I wanna hear your songs. Come find out what it's about here :)
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