PHEW!!! It's sure been a while since I last posted something, hasn't it? Bet most of you think I've given up blogging for good so something. NOT! It's just that I'm getting back into the groove of school life!!
Yes. Turning your mind off for over 20 years does take it's toll! LOL I'm only glad that I managed to finish a couple of my assignments in time. It was no easy task because they were back to back and required a lot of research and reading. On Sunday, we actually we spent the entire day from 7 am to 5 .30 pm in a study group. I am not kidding.
On top of that my other best buddy Sean, had a little crisis last week too. His wife's water bag ruptured on Wednesday and she was admitted to the hospital. It caused a few anxious moments and they couldn't wait for the baby to come out through a normal delivery so they had to have a C-section. The "little nipper" as Sean likes to call him was born to this world on Thursday at 3.44 pm. After the baby was born he called me and didn't say a word but cried and I was so touched I wish I could have been with him at that moment because there is so much emotion running through your veins and when the long wait is finally over you just need to let it all out. Wifey and me rushed there after work though and were the only ones there because their families had not arrived. We got a sneak peek at the handsome little guy...

Wifey and I was going back and forth to the hospital to see the little guy, who looks nothing like his old man, LOL. Seriously Sean and his wifey were pretty worried throughout the ordeal and we just wanted to give them a little support. After all the visits to the hospital we'd go back and study till late too. Our batteries were on overdrive but we knew they needed a hand besides it's not everyday a person becomes a First Time Dad!!! We did want to be there on Sunday too when they were discharged but just couldn't make it because of the study group, would you believe.
It's also our little one's third birthday this Saturday!! Woo Hoo!! We haven't even had a chance to get her a present yet and I haven't got a clue what to get either. Anybody got any ideas?
We're just throwing her a little dinner and inviting some family and friends. I'm cooking LOL I actually wanted to do a real party for her but with classes and all I just couldn't plan it properly. Oh oh I haven't ordered the cake yet!!
Okay I better hit the sack!! Got work tomorrow and study group meets too again for next weeks assignment!! DOH!!
WOW GK, that must've been some moment when Sean called u and just cried over the phone without sayin a word, I think I'd have cried too. I bet u must've shed a tear or two! ;)
Congrats to ur friend, he must be one proud Dada! :)
Awww..he is so cute!! Happy Birthday to your little one as well...BTW, come join my contest. There is a link on the left top, if you want to that is!
Aww the baby is so cute and so precious GK! I just love the picture. He looks so peaceful after all the havoc he created eh...lolzzz...
Oh it's Ellie's birthday is on Election Day...awesome!
Ok GK! Happy Voting. Happy Weekend and Happy Studying ya..!!!
Oh and Happy Birthday Ellie!!! :)
GP! Yup I sure did!! It was just an emotional moment!! Believe me after a while I was wonderign f things were okay because he didn't say anything. Anyway all is has jaundice but should be okay soon! :)
He is really a happy fact he was shouting 'baby, baby' in the OT!! LOL Only Sean lah!
DS!! Yeah he is a handsome fellow...I have more pics but they're not that clear!!
I would love to join your contest...will be along shortly!! :)
LJ!! He is a cute little fellow ain't he!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes for Ellie. Very thougthful of you! :)
Cheers LJ! :)
aww.. GK! I am so touched by yr friendship. It's really something, you know! and Little Nipper is so cute in Hello Kitty wraps. lolz!
Jean! LOL I never even noticed that it was Hello Kitty blankie and sheets :) THe little guy is really cute ain't he :) Can wait to see him again...the last time we saw him he had grown a wonder how he looks now! :)
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