Recently Aunty Marzie tagged me with my very first tag!! It was a nice and simple one... And it was about RED!!! I don't have many red dresses... but plenty of red toys!
LJ!!! First commenter again! woo hoo! I think she was bored waiting for me to take her picture! Most of the shots she poses for because the maid teaches her that when we are not home! But I don't like it cause I prefer natural smiles anytime! :)
How about green? As a mom and green blogger, I can't help but get on my green soapbox whenever I see a cute little one.
Today I just blogged about Al Gore calling your little girl's generation the new 'hero' generation. There is so much to be done to keep our planet a cool place! And as parents we can do lots! 'Green Drop Project'
lamarguerite!! Well to be honest it's going to take a lot of doing to turn this world back to green! BUT you have to start somewhere and it's not about using green friendly froducts but cutting out on our excesses in life! Will try to do my part and spread the word too okay! People power!
Hola Ellie! Of course your red toys count, you're so creative! Oh and Aunty Marzie loves picture number 4, you're so pretty!
PS. Hey GK, I think ur blog has been invaded by the pop up ads as well! Apparently the prob lies with the technorati widget, I got rid of mine oredi and the ads are finally gone! :)
Hola Aunty Marzie!! Yay!! I'm glad you liked my idea!! :) I was waiting for dayy to take the picture and he was taking sooooo long!! So I rested a little hehehe Thanks again! :)
GP!! Thanks for the tip...I'll get to it at study group tonight LOL More like laugh grooup cause we all like to kid around hehehe Nice bunch...very muhibah...Malay, Chinese, Indian and Sikh (MCIS)...semua ada...and there is only five of us! LOL
Janice!! LOL I don't think that red is her fav color (actually not sure what is)...I was just doing Marzie's red tag so only used some of her red toys and stuff!! :):)
GP!! She's very vain and loves to pose and take pictures LOL And I'm glad you like the pictures because I only used my phone which was handy! :)
GP!! My study group is really fun! We are always kidding around and I'm actually enjoying working with them!! :) It makes learning so much less of a burden...and you need that when you're as old as I am LOL
Wow, pretty good quality for a phone camera yes? Hubbs just got his MBA graduation pics, which means it's finally over so YAY! We decided not to go for the graduation ceremony in Switz (just a small one) and save for another vakasi instead! :)
Jean!! Wow it's been a while! Hope you are well and settled! Thanks for the nice words! :) She takes after me lah LOL I like that pic too and even made it my desktop for a while :)
Awww so sweet... Red suits her... I love the second to last picture.. she looks so cute there.. was she posing? or bored??
LJ!!! First commenter again! woo hoo! I think she was bored waiting for me to take her picture! Most of the shots she poses for because the maid teaches her that when we are not home! But I don't like it cause I prefer natural smiles anytime! :)
Happy weekend LJ! :)
Love red . . .
How about green? As a mom and green blogger, I can't help but get on my green soapbox whenever I see a cute little one.
Today I just blogged about Al Gore calling your little girl's generation the new 'hero' generation. There is so much to be done to keep our planet a cool place! And as parents we can do lots!
'Green Drop Project'
lamarguerite!! Well to be honest it's going to take a lot of doing to turn this world back to green! BUT you have to start somewhere and it's not about using green friendly froducts but cutting out on our excesses in life! Will try to do my part and spread the word too okay! People power!
Hola Ellie! Of course your red toys count, you're so creative! Oh and Aunty Marzie loves picture number 4, you're so pretty!
PS. Hey GK, I think ur blog has been invaded by the pop up ads as well! Apparently the prob lies with the technorati widget, I got rid of mine oredi and the ads are finally gone! :)
Is Red Ellie's fav color? I see that most of her toys are red here.... YAY !! :)
Hola Aunty Marzie!! Yay!! I'm glad you liked my idea!! :) I was waiting for dayy to take the picture and he was taking sooooo long!! So I rested a little hehehe
Thanks again! :)
GP!! Thanks for the tip...I'll get to it at study group tonight LOL More like laugh grooup cause we all like to kid around hehehe Nice bunch...very muhibah...Malay, Chinese, Indian and Sikh (MCIS)...semua ada...and there is only five of us! LOL
Janice!! LOL I don't think that red is her fav color (actually not sure what is)...I was just doing Marzie's red tag so only used some of her red toys and stuff!! :):)
Cheers Janice! :)
Poor Ellie had to wait so long for Daddy to take ur pics yeah? At least the pics turned out great lolz...
GK, your study group actually sounds fun believe it or not, I can't remember when was the last time I was in one he he!
GP!! She's very vain and loves to pose and take pictures LOL And I'm glad you like the pictures because I only used my phone which was handy! :)
GP!! My study group is really fun! We are always kidding around and I'm actually enjoying working with them!! :) It makes learning so much less of a burden...and you need that when you're as old as I am LOL
Wow, pretty good quality for a phone camera yes? Hubbs just got his MBA graduation pics, which means it's finally over so YAY! We decided not to go for the graduation ceremony in Switz (just a small one) and save for another vakasi instead! :)
GP!! Yup 3.2 megapixel with flash too hehehe
Hubbs must be so happy..and you too! I can't wait for my graduation...but have to slog first! :)
nice tag!
GK, ellie is so photogenic! She's a cutie! yeah, i am wt LJ, loved her 2nd last pic! ;)
Jean!! Wow it's been a while! Hope you are well and settled! Thanks for the nice words! :) She takes after me lah LOL
I like that pic too and even made it my desktop for a while :)
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