All in all it was a good weekend...I enjoyed cooking for the party this time because it was a small crowd of around 25. The food turned out great and I was happy that folks enjoyed eating. Had loads of food too, the menu was Briyani Rice with almonds and fried onions, fresh vegetable pickles, beef cutlets, prawn sambal, soy sauce chicken, vegetable kurma, prawn tempura, grilled pork tenderloin, huge papadams and Chinese mixed vegetables. I particularly liked the prawn sambal which was extra spicy and really tasty even if I do say so myself!! LOL
The party ended around 1 a.m. and my little one stayed up until then too forgetting any notions of sleep. She was playing football with her cousins would you believe. LOL I myself stayed up till 5 a.m. watching the polls results trickle in. On Sunday I was exhausted and just lazed around mostly and checked out the news channels. Like I said before, boy what a weekend!!
Hi GK! Looks like a great party, with great food, great company and the little bundle of joy.. well not so little now I guess eh...
Anyway.. Aunt LJ wishes Ellie a happy birthday.. hey we're piscean you know and piscean are great loving pple.. heheheh...
Have a great week ahead GK!
Congrats on your daughters birthday..Have you noticed that i have my own domain now? nobody has joined my new community yet..
Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY to lil' Ellie!!! Here's a whole bunch of hugs and kisses for her! :):):)
I like picture number 2, where wifey is smiling lovingly at Ellie!
So nice to see such a dedicated dad! Your little girl is precious and very lucky.
The thing that makes me so sad these days when I see little kids, is the world awaiting them. I am thinking about global warming of course!
The good thing is, as a dad there is much you can do to set the example for her and do your share as a green citizen! Things like encouraging her to bike and walk with you instead of taking the car . . .
Sorry I missed the party Bud. Had to work at the last minute. The menu sounded delicious though :D
Wah still no response from GK here, must be so busy with schoolwork as usual! ;)
Happy weekend GK! :)
Happy 3rd Birthday to Ellie. Concidentally, we'll be celebrating Amos 2nd birthday this Sunday. Will post the photos next week :)
Have a great weekend...
Hey Bud, I know you're busy studying and all that but you've just been tagged by me. No pressure, do it when you're free, which will probably be years from now ... LOL!
Have a good weekend bud.
LJ!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!! It was a great party and everyone had fun and even loved the food!!
Yup you're both piscean and your birthdays are only a day apart!! How cool is that? LOL
Perps!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!! Sorry I have been busy lately and will try to join your community soon!
Bobo!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!! :)
Cheers! :)
GP!! Thank you for the birthday wishes, hugs and kisses!!
Take a guess where pics 1 & 2 were taken LOL Bet you know!!! LOL
Cheers GP!! :)
lamarguerite!! Welcome! And thanks for the green message!! Cheers!
Hi Buddy!! Yup you were the only one who didn't turn up!! We had a load of funa nd the food was good...especially the pork! Well maybe next time OLD MAN!! LOL
Happy Birthday bub!
GP!! Hiya!! Yeah busy with school...no fun lah nowadays! :( What to do? Sorry for the late response ya? :S
Cheers GP!
Janice!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!! Wow Amos turning two already!! Time sure flies yeah? :)
Cheers! :)
Bug..I mean bud!! A tag for me...doh!! just finished one now kena again!! LOL I'll do it right away and if you believe that I have a bridge to sell too! LOL
Cheers OLD MAN!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Ellie!
Emila!! Thank you for your birthday wishes! :)
Cheers! :)
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