As I was preparing to wrap it for the week (took that line from you Jean and it does apply to me...in fact her entire post sounds like what I'd like to say so because I'm on a real tight schedule today and and want to send this out asap so I'm gonna use your words for the whole post, if you don't mind). My friend Jean of A Great Pleasure gave me a nice surprise. She graciously awarded me with Nice Matters Award for being a kind blogger. It's an easy task for me to be kind to her because she's such a great friend. Congratulations to you Jean, you are a kind blogger! :) I am indeed honored to receive this award from you and I am happy to be listed among the other kind bloggers which you've choosen. They are all great bloggers with big hearts for their kindness. Here are my recipients of this award:
Congratulations, my kind friendly bloggers! :)
Adrian, am I the first to comment here? hehe ;p
That's a new nice award. Thanks for awarding it to me. You make my day even brighter now !!
Winston award it to me too. I am a happy gal now with 2 person confirming that I AM really a NICE person.... *applause* to myself... haha :D
Congrates to the 5 recipient from Adrian too.
Hi Jan! I was just at your place thanking you for the tag LOL Missed each other I guess! Glad you got this twice to confirm your status as Superfriendly Mom! :)
Yay! Another award from my good buddy Adrian!! Thanks Adrian, I appreciate you thinking of me, it certainly made my Monday morning much more cheerful! HUGS :):):)
PS. Am happy to be in the company of such nice ppl too for this award! Congrats to all recipients and of course to you too Adrian!
Marzie! Thanks! Glad you enjoyed receiving it! You know you deserve this! :) happy to make your Monday just that little bit more cheerful! :)
PS I just love that little dance Benji does in my cbox! LOL thanks again! :)
Adrian, Thank you! This is my second one! I really love this award, and what it stands for, and now I can pass it to five more bloggers! Thank you so much, and I think you're nice too! :))
Have a happy week!
Adrian-Thanks so much for the award! I really appreciate it! Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all spread a little more kindness?! Again, thank you for including me! I will repost with a list of kind bloggers of my own on Thursday! I hope you had a great weekend and Monday is being good to you! Take care friend!
P.S.-I dig the jams!
Ann! My wife told me that you already had one but I said that I still wanted to give it to you! :) You are really kind and well deserve this...just like all my choices! :) Cheers and happy Monday! :)
Barrett! Yes the world could do with more kindness! I'm afraid we're becoming mean and uncaring! Lets make a difference! :) Cheers my friend! :)
By jams are you referring to my Santa hat...that was bestowed upon me by the Big Guy himslef on his site! :) Aint' I lucky hohoho!
OK.......I tagged you on a meme. Here it is...
Adrian, Thank your wife for me, and I thank you! It is only sweeter the second time around, and especially coming from one of my favorite blogs!
And listen to your wife, we are always right , you know! LOL :)
hi adrian! you got my blessing! haha! congrates to you once again!! Good Pick! Congratulations to the 5 recipients! :)
Adrian-I posted the kindness awards today! Thanks again SO much! I really enjoyed the santa hat, but by jams I was referring to the music! I dig it! I feel like I have walked into a classic lounge everytime I stop by! I really like the music!
I wanted to tell you, a friend of mine, Jeff, runs a blog called static think box. A few days back he posted an article called "Simpsonized," or at least that was in the title. Anyway, he had found a website that lets you scan a picture of yourself and they generate a Simpsons character for you! I thought this would be right up your alley! His site is listed in my blogroll, Static Think Box and the title of the post is Simpsonized! Just thought I would pass it along to my buddy the Simpsons fan! Take care!
Adiran-Read about your scary encounter on Anything Goes! Scary! Totally believe it too! I have had my fair share of creepy encounters! Hope you have a great weekend!
Sawasdeekarp! That's how the Thai's greet everyone! Yes! I'm back...however, I'm not a hundred percent fit! I caught what I thought was a bad cough! Yesterday I found out from the doctor that it might be pnemuonia! Have to go back to the doctor again tomorrow so I'm home now feeling miserable and with a lousy internet connection that makes it worse LOL Thanks for visiting my blog when I was away folks! It's so nice to have great friends even if we are miles apart! Abd thanks for all the tags too! I try to have them up as soon as I feel better! Cheers! :)
Adrian-I am so sorry to hear you are sick! I wondered why you hadn't been posting much recently! I hope you are feeling better soon! I selfishly look forward to you getting back to blogging! Take care friend and get well soon!
Mike! I've completed the interview form! Thanks for he invite to do so! Hope that takes care of that :)
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