Chapter 1
Marzie thinks the Genie King is a Superstar! Isn’t that great…well it is an honor to me! I really don’t know if I am but I’m not going to doubt an expert on the matter. Being a Superstar blogger herself she’s certainly an authority on the subject.
Thank you Genie Princess that was a very pleasant thing to do! I wish I could give this to other bloggers but this is your award to give!
Congratulations to all the other recipients of the Superstar award too!
Chapter 2
Since it's supposed to be better to give than to receive I’d like to take this opportunity to give out an award that I received from the Genie Princess some time back. I’ve been saving this for a while along with a few others that I’ve been hoarding but shall pass around in due time.
Please come up as your names are called to receive the award…acceptance speeches should be kept to a maximum of five minutes or you’ll be thrown off the stage. LOL
Jackie, Bobo, Ann, Ladyjava and Nihal deserve this...

Chapter 3
Oh wait...Marzie just gave me another award as I was preparing this post...the Shibumi award, which looks pretty! I have been skipping my Japanese lessons and didn't know the meaning of Shibumi so I copied this from Marzie's site 'Shibumi is a Japanese term which used in the following context is a noun. Its meaning refers to a ‘particular aesthetic of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty” which can be applied to almost anything.' Wow one word says a lot doesn't it! Thanks Genie Princess! (Hope I picked up the right award... there were so many there LOL)
And the five people up there (namely Jackie, Bobo, Ann, Ladyjava and Nihal )...are also my recipents of this award...not bad two for one day at First Time Dad!
Chapter 4
Oh well while I'm at it, Mariuca also tagged me on the 5 Things Meme a few days back. And I told her that I'd do I'd better or I might face the wrath of the Genie Princess! hehehe Good thing she tagged me early...because I'm planning on starting a MeMe FrEe MoNtH soon!! Probably in December! Who's with me??? LOL
What is a meme free month? Well I've been getting tagged pretty much every week and sometimes I feel that there are too many tags going around. Unfortunately, one of those tags was started by me and the Genie Princess with the help of our trusty Genie Buddy! Don't get me wrong...I don't think tags are bad but just want to take a little break for a month. This way folks will know not to tag me and if they do I'll only do it later! Of course I may like some so I might do those...okay okay...It's just thought so i have decided on anything yet!
What about you guys? I know you get tagged a lot too and I know some people also don't like doing tags too. What do you think about the idea? Please let me know even if you think it's the dumbest idea ever!
Anyway back to the meme Marzie tagged me with...what was it again...oh the 5 Things goes...
5 things found in my room:-
My Wife...err does she count...I guess people don't count right...only things...let me start again...
1) King Size bed anything smaller and I'd fall off LOL
2) Bed for daughter because she doesn't want to sleep in her cot anymore yet sleeps with us!
3) Wardrobe and dressing table
4) A/C
5) Carpet
5 things I’ve always wanted to do:-
1) Go to Europe
2) Open a restaurant called Eddie's Hot Pot!
3) Go to Liverpool and watch a match
4) Tap Dance
5) Be an actor
5 things found in my bag:-
Sorry! I don't carry a bag so I don't have to answer this do I!! Nyah Nyanyah Nya Nyah
5 things found in my wallet:-
1) Money...sometimes
2) Credit cards
3) Daughter's photo
4) Lottery tickets (one can hope)
5) Gym membership
5 things I’m currently into:-
1)My daughter
2) Losing weight
3) Chess with my computer
4) Blogging
5) Liverpool Football Club
Oh I have to tag five poor unsuspecting sods! LOL Can I have a show of hands please as to who would like to do this, you...yes in the back is your hand up or is it up your in front with the tie on...and lady quit jumping up and down ....I see you! Okay you're all tagged! thank you very much for volunteering! Hope to see your posts up soon! :)
You know what...the five people (Jackie, Bobo, Ann, Ladyjava and Nihal ) up there that I passed the awards to...I'm gonnna tag you with this too...I guess nothing in life comes free LOL
Cheers guys! (Now who's the laziest blogger? hehehe)
Chapter 5